Selling Products? Providing Services? Let’s Make Second Income During Your Spare Time

 Selling Products? Providing Services? Let’s Make Second Income During Your Spare Time

To make profit through the internet, you may sell products, or you may sell your services to people who need them.

One approach is to set up an online store (through Shopify), load up the products, and start selling. You may guess what products may sell well, and have a big profit margin. This may work, or may not at all. But you will eventually need a more reliable method or tool to help you figure out the most profitable products within a specific time interval. With this Shopify product spy tool, you will be able to search for the profitable products within your niche where the “top selling” data is almost in real-time.

That is not all. You will need to figure out how to get visitors and/or potential customers to your website (or online store). One way is to launch a blog side-by-side with your online store. Research the topics that you are going to write. Create a plan to follow through and publish at least 10 articles in the first one month of your Shopify online store launch. Another way that follows is to make use of your social media accounts. For example with Facebook, you would have a personal account. But do set up a Facebook fan page for your business. Create a schedule to publish social media posts.

Another approach is to sell services. Services are not products, and they may not have any physical form. But when you are selling services to other people through the internet, it may be very much like selling digital products. You will have to price your services, depending on whether it is a fixed price service, or a case-by-case service.

When the service is on a fixed price, it makes things a lot simpler. You may be able to reveal the price up front to all your potential customers. This makes marketing your product much simpler. In the customer service process, you will not have to answer questions to pricing. You will rather focus your time and effort on providing the quality service. Many of these professional services may be built into fixed price service: Graphic/image design (including logo design), website design and development (with a specific CMS or website builder), article writing (when limiting by number of words), language translation (that may be limited by the number of words), training class for a certain sports, and more.

Another type is case-by-case pricing. When you providing consulting services, the actual context of the service may vary a lot, it makes pricing with a fixed price rather difficult. Also, different customers may need different number of hours for the same type of consulting, and you would end up charging for different costs based on the hours that you spent on a specific project.


Geraldine Robinson